We may not share the same opinions. I have some pretty out there thoughts on quite a few subjects. I’m OK with that.
I’m OK with listening to what you have to say and changing my mind if it resonates with me.
I’m OK with holding my opinions even if I can see evidence to the contrary. I choose to believe what FEELS best to me, and makes me happiest. ‘Truth’ is a subjective concept.
I don’t have to justify my opinions to you. They are mine.
I don’t have to change my mind if you seem to have more justification for your opinion than I have for mine. This isn’t a competition.
We do not need to win people over or change peoples’ minds in order to validate our own opinions. Who cares if someone is adamant the sky is yellow? If it makes them happy and they’re not hurting anyone what difference does it make to you?
If someone is happy following their own path, even if there is zero logic to it that you can see, LET THEM. Ask yourself why it triggers you so much that someone chooses a ‘different’ truth to you.
Contrary to what many people would love to have us believe, if, at our core, we believe in love and good intentions, we can believe whatever else we want and live peacefully with each other.
If my beliefs trigger you, good. If your beliefs trigger me, good. Let’s dig in and figure out why different is scary and, instead of trying to win someone round to our way of thinking, let’s be open to co-existing and learning more about each other. We may have more in common than we think

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