Some of us are programmed to Do. We find our safety, our comfort and our purpose in our output and in our doing. We measure our success by our progress and our confidence by our strength and achievements.

Some of us are programmed to Be. We flow with our cycles and sit with our thoughts and feelings. We are guided by our intuition and feel better when we have time to process, even if our outward progress takes the hit.

Whatever your natural inclination, which may also go through it’s own seasons, there may be times when you need to exercise the opposing force. If we have a tendency to be, the shadow side of that may be an inertia that sometimes prevents us from taking the action we need. If we tend to do, we may burn out more easily or miss the connection to ourselves which guides us most effectively and gets us into flow.

Whatever your ego is taking you in the direction of, take a moment to reflect and see if you can lean into the other. If you are feeling frustrated or stuck, there’s a good chance you’ve been doing or being too much and shifting into the opposite may provide a welcome change of energy. Remember Einstein’s definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing and expecting different results!