Transformative meditations
Sometimes, just the prospect of coming home from work and hopping on Skype can seem a bit daunting, right?
If I’m being completely honest with you, it took me ages to work up the courage to work with a coach one on one. Not because there weren’t loads of good coaches out there,
but because I wasn’t in the right space
and it all seemed a little, well, much.
I absolutely understand and respect that you may not be in the right place to work with me one on one right now, but I definitely don’t want that to mean you don’t get the benefit of some of the awesome tools and techniques I’ve learned from my yoga, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy training.
I’ve handpicked and recorded specially six of the most
powerful meditations and hypnotherapy
audios that I’ve found work for me and my clients and put them together in one package to download and listen to as and when you like. I’m not kidding – I use these myself and I love them, that’s why I’m so excited I get to share them with you!

Here’s what’s included:
Confidence Fix
Healing your inner child meditation
Releasing the need for approval
The power of forgiveness
The future is bright
Figuring out your purpose
All these audios come as mp3 files that you can stick on your smartphone or listen to from your computer.
I’m super happy to share all these audios with you because I genuinely love them all! I know I can’t work with everyone one on one so this way, I can spread the love via the audios and together we can take one step closer to making the world a better place.