How to reclaim your power in your relationships

How to reclaim your power in your relationships

Often, we don’t even realise we’re giving away our power, until we leave a conversation or an interaction feeling flat, deflated, hurt, angry or frustrated. If you’ve felt these things, chances are it’s because somewhere in that interaction,...
What is a special relationship?

What is a special relationship?

How do we create specialness and separateness in our relationships? When we make people special, either by making them into some kind of idol, or some kind of demon, we separate ourselves from not only them, but also our universal source energy, which can leave us...
How to live in grace

How to live in grace

Grace is a beautiful word. No-one could ever be insulted if it were used to describe them. Grace could be defined as a smoothness and elegance in your way of being; being courteous and full of good will. We, as humans, have access to this level of gracefulness at any...
How to change your beliefs

How to change your beliefs

Everyone once thought the world was flat. Want to know how we learned the world was round? We challenged that belief. Well, one brave soul challenged that belief and eventually used logic and science to convince everyone else. Imagine how ridiculous our world would be...
How to deal with bullies

How to deal with bullies

I did a video this week, just to be different! I hope this serves you – bullies are no fun for anyone! xx