It is possible to heal.

I get asked this quite a lot when having consultation calls with clients. Can you help me? Is it possible to not be like this?

Firstly. I am not the person with all the answers. You are.
Secondly. I’ll 100% reflect back to you the truth that if there is even the smallest part of you who is willing to feel better (even if you don’t know how), you already know on some level that it is possible. You’re likely just scared of getting your hopes up again and it “not working”.

Therapy isn’t “the” answer. Maybe it’s “an” answer. Maybe it’s yours. Maybe yours is another path or a combination of lots of different experiences and support.

I have about 6 weeks left of my year long ministerial training based on the teachings of A Course In Miracles. This year I’ve experienced such deep healing in so many aspects of my life, and just deep love as a result. This healing has come through a very simple and profound process of praying, listening and following the guidance.

I’m not religious. I do deeply believe in the power of love and the connectedness of us all. I do believe that our default is love. We build all kinds of blocks to that love, with judgements and pain and suffering. We can also, with kindness and grace, tune into our intuition and work lovingly with ourselves to witness the experiences, people and miracles that are available to us when we begin to believe that love is possible.

I have been given some amazing experiences this year. Some have felt painful and shown me deeper wounds I needed to heal, others have lovingly affirmed to me that it is so worth doing that work to feel free and to know unconditional love and the safety that comes with it.

Trust the process. Trust yourself. If you feel attacked, love in response. Love yourself first.

If you feel called to a different kind of conversation and transformation, feel free to book a consultation ( I’m ready when you are ❤️