Why you’re not achieving your goals and what to do about it

Why you’re not achieving your goals and what to do about it

There’s a weird paradox that’s been coming up for my clients recently around finding a balance between acceptance where they are now, and knowing they want to progress and do bigger and better things. Here’s how to find that balance which will allow...
How does it feel to be happy?

How does it feel to be happy?

Weird question right? How does it feel to be happy?! Obviously I was scrapping the barrel of blog topics this week/ But seriously, if everyone experiences feelings differently, because ultimately everyone’s perception is unique, how do we really know what...
How to surrender without giving up

How to surrender without giving up

Do you ever feel like life is just getting a little bit too hard? Like you REALLY want to know what the secret is that all these successful, happy people seem to have that you don’t? I know that feeling. That feeling that creeps in and let’s you know that...
Why I started my business in Mercury Retrograde

Why I started my business in Mercury Retrograde

There’s a lot of hype around Mercury being in retrograde the last few weeks. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I chose to start my full-time coaching gig in the middle of it. If you don’t know what Mercury being in retrograde means, you’re probably in...

Screw to-do lists, life is for living!

Let me ask you a question – are you enjoying life? Are you actually living life, or just letting it pass you by in a whirl of work and goals and check lists and meet and greets and I’ll-relax-just-as-soon-as-I-get-all-this-shit-done -ness? You’re all...