How to be happy – Six Steps in a Video

How to be happy – Six Steps in a Video

I made another video and this one I love! I realised there’s a really straight-forward, six step process to being happy and at peace, that you can use your entire life, for any situation. The video breaks it down for you. I’m really excited about this and...
What is a special relationship?

What is a special relationship?

How do we create specialness and separateness in our relationships? When we make people special, either by making them into some kind of idol, or some kind of demon, we separate ourselves from not only them, but also our universal source energy, which can leave us...
Perception is a gift

Perception is a gift

How many times a day do you complain? How many times have you let your negative feelings about someone or something get in your way? Just before I started writing this post, I was sat on the train waiting for it to depart for Liverpool, my home town. I was so excited...

Irritability & Anger – What it means & how to manage it

Today I wanted to talk about irritability. Mainly because at times my normal zen-like composure leaves me and I get so annoyed and angry I end up wanting to scream, pack a bag and go hide out somewhere far away from the rest of the world for a while. It’s not...