What to do when you don’t know what to do

I’m sat alone, on my bed, my cup of Nespresso cappuccino at the side of me and a blank screen in front. First, I open Facebook…the Google+, then I open a few of my favourite business blogs and see if there’s any inspiration there. Crickets…....

Why you shouldn’t have counselling

Don’t get me wrong, as a counsellor, I swear by personal therapy: I have a counsellor and believe everyone can benefit greatly from having one. What I don’t believe in, is having a counsellor because you, or someone close to you, feels like you should....

Therapy – the taboo and the reality

I wanted to write this week about therapy – going to therapy and talking about it.   Being in training and in my field of work, it’s really important to undergo personal therapy, not only so you can experience the process from the other side, but more...