Shame and Transparency

Shame and Transparency

There’s a concept in A Course in Miracles called ‘no private thoughts’. As it suggests, it speaks to the idea that instead of trying to hold thoughts in our private brain somewhere and keep them secret (normally for fear of being judged somehow), we...

What I’m learning about love

What I’m learning about love…We think that if we love too much, we will somehow run out.We’ve all had the experience of loving someone or something so much, that when we don’t get back what we expected, wanted or thought we deserved, we feel...
Trying to be a good person

Trying to be a good person

‘Trying’ to be a good person misses one key fact: there are no good or bad people, just people acting out of integrity with themselves and out of fear. It also implies that there’s a right and wrong way to behave, and some how you’ve been...


I’m currently working with a dog trainer for my dog Tilly. Moving to another country and culture having lived a pretty quiet life in rural Wales is an adjustment for us both and having some guidance and support so she feels safe and secure is super important for...


There’s a negative connotation that is associated with inconsistency. We seem to think that we have to show up in whatever way consistently in order to do well in whatever we’re trying to do. I also say the same thing to clients with therapy – show...
Why don’t I feel good enough?

Why don’t I feel good enough?

(one possible reason)If we grew up in a household with tension, but perhaps we didn’t understand why, our child brains went looking for an answer as to why things didn’t feel good. Since we are reliant on our parents / caregivers to feed and take care of...