Sometimes she felt like she was waiting. Waiting for everything to fall into place, for the moment when all the boxes were ticked and she knew she was on the right path with everything in order and accounted for. Then she could be content.

This was not real life, she knew. She knew that peacefulness was found in the moments between, in the breath of life itself and not in the accomplishments that came with it. And still, at times, this felt challenging as she slipped into the ego mindset of needing to achieve [something….anything], and the things that used to bring her comfort and joy didn’t seem enough or worthwhile anymore.

Still, these are the moments between, and we can choose to return to the peace in an instant, and listen to the whispers of our soul instead of our egos. Our soul is kind, loving and sweet. It nudges us instead of pushing with fear and intimidation. It’s purpose is love. It’s language is love. It’s outcome is love

Photo taken at: Balangan Beach

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