As she turned her attention away from what she needed to do to get what she thought she wanted, and instead directed her focus on to the individual small steps that she was guided to take in order to be truly helpful, something miraculous happened.
She was reminded, once again, as she was every time she detoured from the path and found her way back, that she had always been, was and would always be, provided for. There was no need to worry, no need to try to figure things out, and the more she struggled, the more she would experience struggle.
When she allowed herself to surrender, to rest in love for herself and the world, when she forgave herself for trying to do everything herself and ignoring her small, kind voice of inner guidance, she was granted the feeling of peace she hadn’t realised she was missing, and followed her nudges to places where things fell into perfect place without any effort on her part. These places allowed her to feel truly valued, truly valuable, truly loved, and truly peaceful.
It doesn’t matter how many times you mis-step, you can always give up struggling and allow yourself to float and be held by the Universe. You are always supported. There is nothing you cannot come back from. We all have a choice – we can run the uphill race to the top of an imaginary ‘success’ mountain, or we can tune in, let go of thinking we know the best way, and allow the still small voice of our heart to lead us to somewhere far better than we could have ever imagined
Photo taken at: Wales