According to my estimations, it’s been raining for a solid 16hrs so far at my little flat in East London. According to news reports, that’s pretty good going compared to up North.

It’s not even light rain either, this is chucking it down rain so the leaves of the trees start to look sad and droopy. It’s a bit depressing really for the first week in July.

The other think that doesn’t help is the fact that I’ve been sick all week 🙁 Yep – coughing, sneezing, sore throat, headache, aches and pains, blocked nose, running nose, the lot. POOR ME.

You see, it’s only when I had a quick look at the news, and spoke to Sambo who’s camping at the Grand Prix, that I realised, I stayed in bed until 10am this morning, then got up, had a hot shower and made myself muesli and banana for breakfast. I might not feel great, but I’ve got a pretty sweet life.

Someone, I think it was my Nana but I forget, always used to say to me, ‘there’s always someone worse off than you’. Trouble is, when you feel rubbish, that really doesn’t have much effect on a teenager. We tend to forget we’re part of a bigger picture a lot of the time. It doesn’t matter how anyone else feels because I don’t feel that way.

I guess this post is about being grateful for what we have.

Yoga teaches us that we are all part of a higher consciousness. 

Science teaches us that we are all made up of the same energy.

Somewhere along the line, there is always one part of us that will feel amazing and one part that will be in a pretty bad place.

This week, I had some really compassionate people in my life who empathised with me and told me I should be in bed rather than working. I also saw some clients and did my best not to let them know I was sick. I made those clients feel better. That made me feel better.

Your situation doesn’t really matter in the long run. You can accept sympathy and help, and you can also sympathise and help others along the way.

Doing what you can doesn’t mean being a martyr and working yourself to the bone, but it doesn’t hurt to look inward and find that connection with the rest of the world.

Anyway, enough of the deep stuff, I’m ready to crawl bad in to bed with my hot honey and lemon and my new Ayurveda book! Have an amazing week!