Hello, my name’s Emma, and I’m addicted to learning.
This might sound like a strange thing to be addicted to, but the mind is a strange thing, and in reality, anyone could become addicted to anything.
I’m lucky in that my habit isn’t destructive, it’s actually something quite useful. Ever since I left school, I’ve been doing some form of course or other in my spare time, whether that be online for my personal interest or in depth, big financial commitments like my hypnotherapy and counselling training.
As with any habit, it became one because it gave me something I needed at the time – stimulation and interest. It gave me focus when I didn’t have one in my job. I’m sure many of you have the same feeling of dissatisfaction at work, or in some aspect of your life where you’re not quite feeling fulfilled, and you look for something to fill the void.
For me I found this in learning. However, it wasn’t until earlier this year that I realised why learning was so important to me. It gave me a sense of achievement. I was looking for goals to achieve and boxes to tick. If I’d got a certificate, I was considered competent – I was no longer going to fail.
That was my thing – that was where my insecurities lay – complete and utter fear of failing. No matter what I did, I had to be considered ‘successful’ at it.
That gave me a wake up call.
I didn’t have to be successful. Anyway – who defines what successful is? You? Your parents? Your friends or colleagues?
Think about it…
Only you choose what successful means for you. For me, success and happiness are one and the same. The things that make me happy are the things that make me successful. Something cannot make me successful if it doesn’t make me happy – it just won’t work.
I still love learning, but my perception of it has shifted. I’m no longer learning for the certificate, I’m learning for the joy of learning. I can read a book just because I’m interested in the subject, not worrying about how I can prove my knowledge at the end.
What’s your habit? What’s the real reason you do it?