This being of service thing can be super conflicting. You have a purpose. Maybe you know what it is. Maybe you’re still figuring that part out. But you sure as hell know that you weren’t put on this Earth to do nothing.

And so you know it has to do with service. You know it’s to do with leaving the world a better place than you found it but…you also want to have a good time whilst you’re here.

You want fun and laughter and joy and smiles and tears of excitement….and you’re wondering how you can be selfish AND be of service at the same time. ‘Selfish’ used to trigger all kinds of uncomfortable feelings for me. It was a negative word; one that meant I didn’t care about anyone but myself and I was mean and horrible.
Now I realise that’s just not true, and that in order for me to show up 100% in the world and actually BE of service, I need to be selfish too. I need to look after myself, whether that’s meditating, doing yoga, speaking to various mentors, friends and coaches, getting a massage or charging enough for my work that I’m not using my energy worrying about paying bills.

All this counts. Being selfish in this way IS being of service. Tuning in to what you really need in order to show up will make a difference not just in the amount of joy you experience, but also in the amount of joy you’re able to provide others.

Asking for support and holding myself accountable for my journey has allowed me to show up in bigger and better ways: my relationships improved (WAY less drama, deeper connections, amazing people flowing into my life), my ability to show up for my clients improved AND I felt happier, calmer and more confident in everything I was guided to do.

This is why I feel super committed to sharing the True You Collective with everyone who might benefit from it. Starting in January, the Collective members will have their very own soul family of 2-6 people for unconditional love, support and growth, along with group and 121 coaching calls with me, to free you of whatever limitations are holding you back from being your most real, true and unadulterated self. Applications are open – click here to join me <3

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